
Monday, January 24, 2011

BlackBerry Phone Client Installation

Installing the System Software for the BlackBerry device:
One of the most important steps of the installation process that many people skip over involves installing the BlackBerry Phone system software. The system software is specific to each device depending on the service provider (Cingular, AT&T, Nextel, T-Mobile, Verizon, etc...). The system software is basically the Operating System for the device. This software needs to be in place before adding the NotifyLink device client software. If this software is not in place BEFORE trying to add the Notify client software through the Application Loader, you will get the error, No additional applications designed for your handheld have been found. You can get the system software using the links below.
Once you download the system software, you must install it to the device. To install it to the device, cradle the device or plug it in to the USB port and double-click the .exe. Once the installer for the system software launches, it will prompt you to either uninstall or repair. Select repair and the installer will install the system software to the device. You are now ready to proceed with the rest of the installation. 

Supported Devices: 
  • GPRS Device Models: 7100g, 7100t, 7100r, 7100v, 7100x, 7105t, 7130c, 7130g, 7130v, 7210, 7230, 7280, 7290, 7730, 7780, 8100, 8300, 8700c, 8700f 8700g 8700r, 8700v, 8705g, 8707v, 8800
  • IDEN Device Models: 7100i, 7510, 7520
  • CDMA Device Models: 7130e, 7250, 8703e 8830
  • Important Note: The NotifyLink BlackBerry Phone Client version 4.0.0 is the last version of Notifylink that was fully tested for the following devices, however NotifyLink Technical Support will still provide assistance for these devices in newer NotifyLink Enterprise Server versions:
    To load the application to the device:
    Extract the file to a directory on your PC (i.e. c:\NotifyLink)
    Note: Be sure to select the option to “Use Folder Names” when extracting this file so that the directory structure in the .zip file will be retained.

    Open the Desktop Manager -- by default there should be an icon for this on your desktop after installing the Blackberry Software, if you have deleted this icon, you can find the program in your installation directory under BlackBerry folder. The name of this program is DesktopMgr. The default installation path for this is: c:\program files\research in motion\blackberry\DesktopMgr.

    Note: If your device contains information such as Contacts, Calendar events, Tasks, or messages that you don't want to lose, you will want to Cancel the installation at this point and backup your device. Use the Backup and Restore application in Desktop Manager to perform the backup. This will secure the data that exists on your device. After completing the Backup, return to this installation guide and begin again.

    Select the Application Loader icon. The Application Loader Wizard will appear. Select Next.
    The next screen will show a list of applications to load to the device. If the NotifyLink application is not present in the list you will need to add it using the following steps:
  • Click the Add button which is located near the top of the screen.
  • Navigate to the Loader Files directory in which you placed NotifyLink.alx file.
  • Select the ALX file and then select Open.
    • NOTE: If you are installing onto a 4.1 OS or later device select the NotifyLink(41).alx. This will add NotifyLink to the list of applications to be installed.
    • NOTE: If you are installing onto a 3.8 OS or a 4.0 OS device select the NotifyLink(38-40).alx. This will add NotifyLink to the list of applications to be installed.
    • NOTE: If you are installing onto a 3.6 or 3.7 OS device select the NotifyLink(36-37).alx file. This will add NotifyLink to the list of applications to be installed
NOTE: If you are installing to a 3.8 or 4.0 OS device and NotifyLink is listed as "NotifyLink for 3.6/3.7 OS:", you are using the incorrect .alx file. To view which .alx file you are using from the application list, select NotifyLink and click on the details button. The Location field near the bottom of the details dialog will display the full path and name of the .alx file begin used.
NOTE: If you are installing to a 3.6/3.7 OS device and NotifyLink is not listed as "NotifyLink for 3.6/3.7 OS", you are using the wrong .alx file. To view which .alx file you are using from the application list, select NotifyLink and click on the details button. The Location field near the bottom of the details dialog will display the full path and name of the .alx file being used.
If you are using the incorrect .alx file you will need to select the NotifyLink application and press the “Delete” button, and then press the “Add” button to select the correct .alx file.
Check the box next to NotifyLink in the application list
Select Next and finish the application loader.

** NOTE **
The Dynoplex software being installed on the device should be the software that is distributed with the NotifyLink application. Software downloaded from the Dynoplex site will not work with the NotifyLink application.
Once all of the applications that you want to load are in the list and check marked, select Next to continue.
If you get the error, Some required files are missing, then you have not installed the system software, see the directions on how to do this above.
The next screen will show a summary of the applications to be loaded, and a summary of how much space is available on the device, and how much space is needed to load the selected applications. Click Finish to start loading the applications.
Next a dialog will come up showing the progress of loading the applications, after it is finished another dialog will come up informing you that the installation was complete. Your device is now ready to use.
  • Extract the .zip file to the folder where the NotifyLink.alx file is located on your computer. This will replace the existing NotifyLink.alx file and all of the .cod files (located in the NotifyLink folder).
  • Connect your device to your computer (cradle or USB cable).
  • Open Blackberry Desktop.
  • You will then be prompted to upgrade NotifyLink.
  1. When running the application loader, only the NotifyLink application is listed and no other applications or system software are listed.
    1. You do not have the correct blackberry handheld software installed. To check the handheld software you have installed:
      1. Open the Blackberry Desktop Manager and select Help, and then About Desktop Manager from the menu.
      2. Select the Handheld Software tab on the About dialog box and verify that your model is listed.
      3. If your model is not listed, download the correct handheld software installer from your carrier and install it on your PC. There is a list of downloads for the blackberry at
    2. You have multiple handheld software modules installed on your PC and the application load is not recognizing the software for your handheld.
      1. Close the Blackberry Desktop Manager
      2. Rename the following file on your PC:
        C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader\Vendor.xml
        C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader\Vendor.txt
      3. Run the application loader again and verify that the System software is listed in the application list.  
 Source :

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